To shop at Conrazon is very easy!

  1. Select the item you would like to buy with the right size and quantity of products and then click on "Add to Cart" button.
  2. When you are ready to checkout, click on the Cart button that is located on the top right corner of the page. It will display all the items you want to purchase. If you have a discount coupon, type it there.
  3. Type your Zip Code to see the cost for the shipping or select to pick up at store. Then click on Checkout.
  4. Please, type your contact information and address, then click "Continue".
  5. Payment Methods will be displayed: Credit and Debit Cards Visa, MasterCard and American Express are welcome! Or you can select to pay with PayPal or Oxxo Pay.
  6. if you have entered your payment and shipping information, You are ready! Click on “Make Purchase” and you will get an e-mail confirmation. Thank you for supporting Conrazon!